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The shareability of demand gen channels

The inherent value of investing in different forms of demand generation is determined by 2 major factors: the recurring value + the shareability of the asset.

In order, here are the biggest avenues available and why:

  1. Product, by default, is the highest / most valuable form of demand gen. This can be in the form of free trials, sandboxes or even free tools that bring back prospects and customers over and over because they need to use the tool to get the value they need.
  2. Thought leadership is content that actually distinguishes you in the marketplace. Books, podcasts, video content especially. There is a recurring / residual value to this work because it pays dividends like an annuity long after the asset has been created.
  3. Events, even though they get a bad rap, can be powerful ways to generate demand, especially in enterprise markets. The only challenge with events is the amount of ongoing coordination and investment required to generate value.
  4. Paid media, despite receiving the bulk of marketing budgets in most companies, is a treadmill you cannot get off of. You must continue to invest to see value or the channels efficacy disappears.
  5. Gated content, even if it works, is a one and done campaign. You may leverage it for paid media at best but even then the recurring value is quite low.

The point being that all of these avenues need to be in the mix for most companies. However, very few companies think about Thought leadership (although this is growing) and even fewer companies think about Product as a way to drive pipeline.

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