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Episode 20: How to Build a Product-led Go-to-Market Strategy with Paul Teshima, CEO of

“In the early days, Customer Success reps are almost like pseudo Product Managers.”
-Paul Teshima, CEO of

On Episode 20 of the How To SaaS podcast, Shiv interviews Paul Teshima, CEO of, on how to build a product-led go-to-market strategy.

Paul is one of the most experienced SaaS founders in Toronto and brings a ton of experience to the conversation (he was a co-founder of Eloqua, which was eventually acquired by Oracle). Since then, Paul has gone out to found, a tool that enables sales reps to leverage the power of relationships and AI in sales conversations.

Paul and I discuss:

  • Why the best product is finally starting to win in the marketplace
  • Why is hiring Customer Success reps before it scales Sales and Marketing
  • How Nudge managed to raise $5M in funding pre-revenue
  • How relationships and AI will transform sales going forward

We cover lots more in the conversation. Here is my interview with Paul:

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