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Marketing Team Superstars vs. Average Contributors

Companies often try to solve problems without investing enough into hiring, onboarding and nurturing talented team members.

In such companies, salaries are capped and growth is limited. Employees end up playing musical chairs until they eventually decide to leave the company and a new batch joins to replace.

These companies have high-control (and often political) environments, with more oversight and less freedom to emerge as a valuable contributor.

In contrast, companies that realize that talent is everything prioritize hiring the best of the best and are also willing to invest significantly more in those A-players. This includes higher compensation, more freedom to operate, better support and more resources.

These companies end up significantly increasing their likelihood of success because they realize the most essential truth of building winning teams: 1 Superstar is worth just as much (if not more) than 5 average contributors.

They build around Who before they focus on What.

As enough A-Players join the organization, the business starts to grow all by itself.

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