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Digital Marketing Team Growth Toolkit

Whether you're building a digital marketing team from scratch as your company scales, replacing a team member, or restructuring a newly integrated function area, growing a digital marketing team comes with plenty of challenges:

  • Do you have enough budget to hire for all the roles you need?
  • Does your digital marketing team have the best possible structure?
  • Are you looking for the right skillsets? 
  • Can you find qualified candidates?
  • Can you merge new hires into your team?

From helping dozens of SaaS companies build better digital marketing teams, we've put together a toolkit of templates that addresses these challenges.

In this toolkit, you'll find:

Fill in the form below to download the toolkit now, or read on to learn more about each template. 


Marketing Team Structure Deck

It's easy to default to just replacing employees who leave or adding more marketing assistants to increase bandwidth. However, Marketing's needs change over time. These approaches can leave Marketing over-spending on areas where there's already enough coverage while other areas don't have any dedicated resources. 

To avoid this, map out the function areas Marketing needs to handle and the coverage your existing digital marketing team provides. You can then see the gaps you should be filling and identify new roles that will cover the skillsets you need. This may involve:

  • Adjusting the scope of existing roles
  • Creating new roles for existing team members
  • Hiring new people to bring additional skills 

Our Marketing Team Structure Deck gives you a framework for this process, including an example deck to use for reference and a template for you to complete.

Whether you're mapping out your hiring needs for internal use, working with a recruiter, or presenting your proposed hiring budget to your board of investors, this presentation will help you show how your digital marketing team should look and how to make that a reality.

What's inside

Marketing function matrix
Map out key function areas and team coverage.

Team investment slide
List of team roles, salary, and hiring status, so you can see the investment you need to build out your team.

Proposed team structure diagram
Visualize how current and existing roles will work together, including reporting hierarchies.

Key marketing role outlines
Descriptions of common roles, including main responsibilities.

Click to access the deck now.



Marketing Team Job Description Templates

Does this sound familiar?

  • You advertise a role online
  • You receive hundreds of applications
  • You spend days reviewing all of them and find only a handful that are even close to qualified
  • None of them turn out to be the right fit at interview
  • You have to start the whole process again

This cycle is time-consuming and frustrating — for both employers and applicants. All too often, it means companies end up settling for applicants who aren't the right fit, just because they were the best of the bunch. 

One action you can take to break out of this cycle is to improve your job descriptions.

Having thorough, accurate job descriptions helps your organization determine exactly what you're looking for and who will be the best fit. It also helps ensure that only people who have the right skills apply for the role. It's better to have fewer, better quality candidates rather than casting the net wide and then spending hours of your time picking out the best candidates.

Our marketing job description templates give you a framework to use for both job postings and internal HR use. Adapt these templates to suit your specific role and company, and you're ready to find quality applicants.

What's inside

Vital information to include in your job description
Including key responsibilities, competencies, and organization structure.

Example role outlines to attract great candidates
Templates for:

  • Content Marketing Specialist
  • Director of Corporate Marketing
  • Marketing Operations Specialist
  • VP of Marketing

Click to access the template now.


Marketing Onboarding Checklist

Once you've decided on the roles you need and picked a new digital marketing team member, there's still work to do. 

Effective onboarding is critical for a range of reasons, including:

  • Building a great company culture
  • Increasing employee tenure
  • Improving team collaboration
  • Increasing employee efficiency
  • Upholding company standards
  • Hitting targets

Check out our marketing onboarding checklist to ensure you're covering all the important areas. 

What's inside

75+ tasks with recommended timelines
Work through the tried-and-tested checklist we've seen work for dozens of companies. You can also add extra tasks that are specific to your business.

Checklists for new hires and onboarding teams
Get clear tasks that enable the existing team to successfully onboard new hires, and a separate checklist for the new hire to complete.

Set deadlines, assign responsibility, and add status updates
Track progress and performance so it's easy to avoid falling behind schedule.


Click to access the template now.

If you're ready to download the full digital marketing team growth toolkit, fill out the form below and we'll send the resources straight to your inbox.

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