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Maximize ROI with
a data-backed
marketing budget

Get a detailed breakdown of the budget you need to hit revenue targets
and the most effective way to allocate it.

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Analysis of historic marketing spend and revenue generated

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Forecast of leads and MQLs needed to support sales projections

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Detailed budget showing spend allocation  across 
channels to drive scale

Some of our clients

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Recalibrate your budget and forecasting as part of a customized consulting engagement.

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Outputs you’ll get

Your engagement will be customized to suit your business context and needs, but common outputs include the following:

Audit of historic marketing spend

  • Budget spent on each channel and campaign
  • ROI and payback period for each channel and campaign
  • Trends and year-over-year comparison

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Revenue sources

  • Channel and campaign sources for each lead, opportunity and closed-won deal
  • Conversion rates for each channel
  • Calculation of average deal size and sales cycle length

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Overall marketing budget calculation

  • Number of closed-won deals needed, based on sales targets and ACV
  • Number of MQLs needed, based on conversion rates
  • Total budget required, based on cost per MQL and recommended marketing strategies

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Breakdown of budget allocation 

  • Monthly spend required for each channel and campaign
  • Key areas to increase/decrease spend
  • Forecasted leads and revenue from each channel

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Outcomes you can expect

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Higher ROI on marketing spend

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Decreased acquisition costs

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Increased marketing-generated revenue

Learn how we can help your business scale with the right marketing budget and forecast

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Other capabilities

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Funnel Diagnostic & Reporting

Focus your marketing resources on the biggest growth levers with full-funnel clarity.

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Engage high-value leads with a custom account based marketing strategy.

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